Cordulegaster picta
Cordulegaster heros
Cordulegaster insignis
Selysiothemis nigra
Species starting with the letter '"'
"Emperor dragonfly "
Species starting with the letter 'A'
Azure damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'B'
Balkan Emerald
Banded darter
Banded demoiselle
Beautiful demoiselle
Black-tailed skimmer
Blue-tailed damselfly
Brilliant emerald
Broad-bodied libellula
Bulgarian emerald
Species starting with the letter 'C'
Club-tailed dragonfly
Common blue damselfly
Common darter
Common hawker
Common winter damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'D'
Dainty damselfly
Dark emerald damselfly
Downy emerald
Species starting with the letter 'E'
Emerald damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'F'
Four-spotted libellula
Species starting with the letter 'G'
Goblet-marked damselfly
Green Club-tailed dragonfly
Green-eyed Hook-tailed dragonfly
Species starting with the letter 'H'
Hairy dragonfly
Species starting with the letter 'K'
Keeled skimmer
Species starting with the letter 'L'
Large red damselfly
Large white-faced darter
Lesser Emperor dragonfly
Species starting with the letter 'M'
Marshland darter
Mediterranean hawker
Migrant hawker
Species starting with the letter 'N'
Norfolk hawker
Northern damselfly
Northern emerald
Species starting with the letter 'O'
Ornate damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'R'
Red eyed damselfly
Red-veined darter
Ruddy darter
Species starting with the letter 'S'
Scarce blue-tailed damselfly
Scarce emerald damselfly
Scarce libellula
Scarlet darter
Shady hawker
Small emerald damselfly
Small Red-eyed damselfly
Small whiteface
Southern damselfly
Southern darter
Southern emerald damselfly
Southern hawker
Southern skimmer
Subarctic hawker
Species starting with the letter 'T'
Two-toothed Golden-ringed dragonfly
Species starting with the letter 'V'
Vagrant darter
Vagrant Emperor dragonfly
Variable damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'W'
White-legged damselfly
White-tailed skimmer
White-tipped Spreadwing
Willow emerald damselfly
Species starting with the letter 'Y'
Yellow-legged Club-tailed dragonfly
Yellow-spotted emerald
Yellow-winged darter