Wallcreeper & Vultures (Bulgaria)

Wallcreeper & Vultures (Bulgaria) Wallcreeper © Mike Lane Wallcreeper & Vultures (Bulgaria) Griffon and Black Vultures © L. Andreev.Green Balkans Wallcreeper & Vultures (Bulgaria) Egyptian vultures © L.Andreev

8 days
20 May 2025 - 27 May 2025

Day 1

Landing at Sofia airport and transfer to Rodopi mountain . Accommodation at the family guest house in local village for 2 nights. Along the road we will have a few stops with good opportunities to spot Rock Bunting ,White Stork, Honey Buzzard, Hoopoe, Syrian Woodpecker, Red-backed Shrike etc.

Day 2

After the breakfast we'll visit a magnificent gorge. The first thing that impresses the visitor are the huge cliffs towering above and the deep rocky valley, where the meandering of Trigrad river can hardly be seen. Strange trees of a local subspecies of Black Pine (Pinus nigra) grow right out of the rocks where there is no soil for their roots. All the time while we are there we cannot help but stand in awe before the nature’s grandeur. Unfortunately, this is only a poor and sketchy description of this extraordinary place with its caverns and the rumble of its waterfalls. One can hardly imagine the gorge beauty if one does not see it with one's own eyes. This exceptionally beautiful area is 1200 m above sea level. WELCOME TO THE LAND OF THE WALLCREEPER. This is simply the best and the most accessible place in Europe or maybe in the world to see this marvellous bird which reminds an enormous butterfly in flight. Lunch at the local mountain hut, with possibilities to taste the local trout. Other possible birds for the day : Black, Grey headed, Great Spotted woodpeckers, Alpine and Pallid swifts, Red rumped swallow , Crag martin , Peregrine, Nutcracker, Hobby etc.

Day 3

After breakfast we will travel to Eastern Rodopi mountain. The road is not long but it’s very “slow”, because we are in the Rodopi Mountains. You will notice with amazement how kilometer after kilometer the mountain changes, the coniferous forests are replaced by mixed ones and afterwards by pure deciduous stands, and the trees become smaller and stunted. Then come the shrubs followed by bare rocky hills and finally the huge cliffs. The world of the large birds of prey lies before us. Accommodation for 5 nights at local hotel in Krumovgrad town. There are good opportunities to watch Black and White Storks, Spanish Sparrow, Lesser Grey Shrike, Red-rumped Swallow , Scops Owl.

Day 4

We’ll visit different sites in the region of Krumovgrad town. Rocky gorges , small woods and shrubs , river beds . The area is of ancient volcanic origin with stony ground, huge rocks scattered around, small stunted shrubs and almost complete lack of wild-growing mature trees. This part of the Rodopi Mountains is well known as one of Europe’s most important regions for birds of prey. We will spend all four days birdwatching around and hopefully will see Golden, Imperial, Booted, Lesser spotted and Short-toed Eagles, Long-legged Buzzard, Black, Egyptian and Griffon Vultures and many species of smaller birds like Pallid Swift, Rock Nuthatch, Rock and Blue Rock Thrushes, Roller, Bee-eater, Red-rumped Swallow, Lesser Grey, Masked, Red-backed and Woodchat Shrikes, Sombre Tit, Cirl-, Black-headed- and Ortolan Buntings, Barred-, Subalpine-, Sardinian- and Orphean Warblers. Dinners and overnights in Krumovgrad town hotel. Packed lunch for all days.

Day 5

See the day 4

Day 6

See the day 4

Day 7

see the day 4

Day 8

After an early breakfast we travel to Sofia town, where our tour is over.

8 days
20 May 2025 - 27 May 2025

The events in this tour are set in the mythical Rodopi Mountains. Rodopi is the mountain where the mythical Orpheus was born, and where his music made even the most ferocious forest beasts, bears and wolves, to freeze to their place and listen to it. We are going to visit the places where this ancient Thracian god looked for his beloved Eurydice as the legend has it. The last archaeological findings, namely the discovery of the ancient Thracian rock city of Perperikon indicates that Rodopi Mountains was the cradle of Thracian civilization, one of the most ancient in the world. Along with these priceless archaeological treasures, Rodopi Mountains possess a unique nature abounding in rare and endemic species of plants and animals. Exactly with part of these we are going to get acquainted during this tour.



Group size

5 - 15

Individual tour

2 - 4


Daily temperatures are almost always above 18C. Rainfalls possible, but as a whole it is a fair, sunny and steady weather. Depressions occur very rarely and then temperatures fall down to 8-10C.


Clothes appropriate for the season, wind-proof jackets and a pair of good walking shoes. Yet bear in mind the there is a possibility of the temperatures in late spring to fall. It wouldn't be bad to take your sunglasses and even a hat.


2-3 km per day


20 May 2025 - 27 May 2025

Land only price


Single room supplement






Additional price info

Payment may be made in all convertible currencies at the Euro exchange rate for the day of payment. The prices include : All the ground transport, FB – full board with packed lunches, where is necessary, accommodation in hotels and guest houses. English speaking guide, All the taxes for reserves.

  • Blue Sky Wildlife
  • Bird Fair
