Dragonflies of Dobrudzha Area and Black-Sea Coast (Bulgaria)
02 June 2025 - 09 June 2025
This tour will take us to one of the less known parts of Bulgaria: Southern Dobroudzha. We will visit the last natural wetlands that have survived along the Danube riverside and the Black Sea coast as well as the picturesque valley of river Roussenski Lom. Our goal will be to watch more than 40 species of Dragonflies, some of which you can see only here...
21 June 2025 - 28 June 2025
The exceptional diversity of Dragonflies in
Bulgaria is determined by the geographic
location of the country and its specific
climatic conditions. Species of Dragonflies
occurring in the country are 70. Mountain
ranges in South Bulgaria give shelter to relic
species, which have survived the last Ice Age.
The peats are attractive habitat for Somat...
Dragonflies of Rhodes Island (Greece) -NEW-
30 June 2025 - 07 July 2025
Rhodes is one of the richest Greek islands in terms of biodiversity, but not only. Rhodes is a combination of spectacular scenery, unique traditions, rich culture and ancient history.
It is situated in the eastern part of the Aegean Sea, just 18 km west of Turkey. Geographical location and climate have turned the flora and fauna of the island into a un...